Signature of the family

Amistar is a specific composition of several grape varieties in memory of our family history. In order to produce wines of exceptional quality a truly ripe harvest and a small percentage of a late harvest is required, as is an optimum harmony between growth and yield.
Amistar is a philosophy which begins in the vineyard and is perfected in the enjoyment of a glass of wine.

Amistar is the family name of Susanna Amistar, our Spanish ancestor. She married our ancestor DeSilva Kaspar Anton in 1678 and was the last child of the Amistar family, who ran a winery in Kaltern. Through this marriage the founder was born, who established the winery in 1731.
Being a family business for generations also gave us the incentive not to forget this name and to use it as a reminder of our Spanish ancestors for our wines with a special style.
Special selection of vineyards and grape varieties, uncompromising quality goals in the vineyard and cellar and the use of dried grapes honour this name of our family and document our origins.

The white Amistar's with Chardonnay & Sauvignon
The red Amistar's with Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Merlot, Lagrein and others in the testing phase